
Issyk Kul Six-Day

Самый длинный 6-этапный забег в мире

6 дней

460 км

Май 2025


on these days, accommodation and meals are included in the All-Inclusive Package



Иссык-Кульская обл., Кыргызстан


1600-2000 м над уровнем моря


100 участников


90 км, 74 км, 87 км, 85 км, 79 км, 45 км; общий набор/спуск – 6,3 км


Асфальт, гравий, немного грунта


Забег по шоссе (в основном) вокруг второго по величине горного озера в мире. Шесть этапов суммарной длиной почти в два Спартатлона. Лимиты времени: 12 ч на 1-5 этапах и 7 ч на 6-м. Пункты поддержки – через ~20 км

Старт этапов
Пункты поддержки

Вся информация выше предварительная; окончательная будет в Положении, а также в «Роуд-бук», которую участники получат перед стартом

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Абсолютно новый уровень!

Вы опытный сверхмарафонец, который пересекал финиш труднейших забегов, включая, возможно, Marathon des Sables или Спартатлон? А как вам такой челлендж: самый длинный 6-этапный забег в мире?! За 6 дней надо преодолеть беспрецедентные 460 км, причем на высоте до 2000 м над уровнем моря. Потрясающие виды природы Тянь-Шаня и маршрут вокруг мистического озера Иссык-Куль прилагаются в качестве бонуса.

Поскольку количество участников первого в истории Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge ограничено, вам стоит поторопиться, чтобы оказаться одним из 100 первопроходцев и вписать свое имя в историю!

Невероятно красивые места

Кыргызстан – одна из самых живописных стран Центральной Азии, а озеро Иссык-Куль – настоящая жемчужина среди местных достопримечательностей. Маршрут сверхмарафона проложен так, чтобы не только оббежать озеро вокруг, но и восхититься марсианскими пейзажами каньона «Сказка» и скал Семь Быков.

Иссык Куль – второе по размеру горное озеро в мире
Южный берег Иссык-Куля изобилует поистине марсианскими пейзажами...
...и все озеро окружено снежными пиками Тянь-Шаня
Старт и финиш – на ипподроме, построенном для Всемирных игр кочевников
Участники “Ультра Иссык-Куля” смогут отдыхать не только в отелях, но и в настоящих юртах
Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge: Самый длинный 6-этапный забег в мире!

Вам нужен тренер?

Вы загорелись, но не уверены, что справитесь с таким вызовом сами, без личного тренера? Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge проводится под эгидой Running Expert, тренерской компании с опытом успешной подготовки к самым экстремальным сверхмарафонам в мире, от Спартатлона до «Бэдуотера».

Побежали с нами!

Крутейший вызов

Иссык-Куль был местом силы многих великих марафонцев, включая олимпийскую чемпионку Валентину Егорову и бронзового медалиста Олимпийских игр Сатымкула Джуманазарова, и мы в Running Expert ездим сюда годами для подготовки как к марафонам, так и к ультра. “Работающая” высота, мягкая погода и привычная для европейцев пища – все это делает тренировки здесь не только эффективными, но и вдохновляющими.

Но мы всегда задумывались: а возможно ли пробежать вокруг целого озера? В итоге мои спортсмены сегодня готовы к такому челленджу. Надеюсь, вы тоже достаточно отважны, чтобы выйти на старт Самого длинного 6-этапного забега в мире.

Алекс Головин

Директор соревнований
Главный тренер Running Expert


Entry fee

Participant receives: 

Registration closes on April 1, 2025, or when the 100-participant limit is reached.

See more information at Race Info


before October 1, 2024


before January 1, 2025


before April 1, 2025

All-Inclusive Package

Package includes: 

Ultra Issyk Kul is too tough a challenge to concern yourself with anything other than running. Take advantage of this “Fly & Forget” package and focus strictly on your performance!

Early booking price


before October 1, 2024

40 packages only!

Contact us once you’ve paid the Entry Fee or wait for our Participant Care Manager to get in touch shortly.

The coaching service with unparalleled experience in training ultramarathon runners around the world. Our portfolio includes:

Горячие вопросы

Nestled in the northeastern part of Kyrgyzstan and surrounded by the Tien Shan mountains, Issyk Kul is the largest saline mountain lake in the world. It is located at an elevation of about 1,600 m above sea level. The lake is more than 180 km long and about 60 km wide. The whole Issyk Kul Region is covered by the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

Travel from the western end of Issyk Kul to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan that is connected to multiple destinations around the globe by international flights, is approximately 200 km.

Kyrgyzstan has nothing in common with, say, Afghanistan, except for the similar word ending. One of the safest countries in Central Asia, it is extremely dependent on tourism, so the locals are very friendly and accommodating towards foreigners.

Moreover, the ultramarathon around Issyk Kul is organized with the full support of the country’s authorities, and during the race itself, participants will be accompanied by local police officers.

Citizens of more than 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and all of Europe, do not require a visa to enter Kyrgyzstan. Everyone else can easily apply for an e-visa.

Here is where you can read more about entering Kyrgyzstan in English.

Here is a link to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on the introduction of a visa-free regime (the text however in Russian, the official language of the country).

And here is the website where you can apply for an e-visa. 

There are no strict qualification requirements for participation in the Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge, but we strongly recommend that you enter if you have already completed at least one 6-day race like the Marathon des Sables or a road race over 200 km (such as Spartathlon, Badwater, etc.)

In any case, if you are in doubt whether you can handle it or not, drop us a message at welcome@runningexpert.com to request consultation from Running Expert coaches with their extensive experience in preparing for the most challenging ultras in the world.

Definitely! This is what we, at Running Expert, do: preparing seemingly ordinary people for what appears to be, at first glance, insane ultrachallenges around the world, as well as organizing our own challenges that are even more nuts. So we know for sure that the real limits of human capacity lie far beyond anyone’s imagination.

Want to talk about it? Contact us via email at welcome@runningexpert.com.

There are many direct flights to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, from Dubai and Istanbul – the world’s largest hubs – as well as other cities. You can get to Bishkek with just one (!) layover from New York and Los Angeles, Tokyo and Singapore, and from most of the major European cities.

It must be mentioned that, just 35 km away from the starting point, there is the Issyk Kul International Airport (Tamchy). However, only a few flights from the neighboring countries go there, so the main air gate of Kyrgyzstan is the Manas International Airport in Bishkek.

From Bishkek, you can get to the start of the race by comfortable GoBus coaches. The trip takes 4 hours, and the ticket costs less than $5. The only thing to keep in mind is that there is only one bus per day, and it only has 50 seats. Of course, it is always possible to take a taxi: the trip costs about $50. You can always turn to us for further advice regarding all the travel options: just drop us a message at welcome@runningexpert.com.

If you don’t want to trouble yourself with the transfer at all (as well as accommodation, meals, etc.), you are welcome to purchase the All-Inclusive Package on top of the Entry Fee. It includes airport pickup and transfer back after the race. The package covers 9 nights of accommodation, full board, and all the transfers (including between stages), as well as massage services and personal attention from the Running Expert team.


In the Route section of our website, you will find not only the general race layout, but also the detailed descriptions of each stage with comments on available accommodation. The problem is that Issyk Kul is huge, and overnight stay options for tourists are distributed around it very unevenly. Now, accommodation at the start and upon finishing the race won’t be an issue at all, including a good selection available on Booking.com. In between other stages, however, camping is perhaps the only viable option. Anyway, you have three alternatives to choose from.

1. Design your itinerary on your own or with the help of local travel agents, whose contacts we can provide.

2. Opt out for tents. (We can help you rent one.) Transfer of tents between stages, as well as sufficient supply of water for camping, are included in the Entry Fee.

3. Purchase the All-Inclusive Package, which covers 9 nights of accommodation, full board, and all the transfers, as well as massage services and personal attention from the Running Expert team.


There are no restrictions on support or the use of pacemakers. Moreover, it is the perfect opportunity for taking your friends and relatives with you; they can accompany you by car while enjoying the stunning nature of Issyk Kul. Having a personal car will also greatly facilitate your accommodation matters.

There are many car rental services in Bishkek, and you can always ask us for further help or advice by sending a request to welcome@runningexpert.com.

This is a road race that runs along the A363 highway around Issyk Kul, occasionally swerving to the side – in particular, to take you to the stunningly beautiful landmarks of the Seven Bulls Rocks and the Fairy Tale Canyon. For one segment, the route also goes along the country road bypassing the regional capital: the city of Karakol.

More than half of the track is paved, but you will also be running on gravel and dirt trails.

12 hours are given for running stages from 1 to 5, and the limit for the 6th – the final and the shortest stage – is 7 hours.

The general layout of the race and detailed descriptions of each stage are already up on the website; GPS tracks will be available for download the day before the start. Participants will also receive a Road Book with all the necessary information, including exact locations of the aid stations.

Most of the time, participants will run at altitudes of 1,600‒1,700 m above sea level, only occasionally rising to 2,000 m. Such heights are not considered extreme since the decrease in oxygen content in the air is not too significant. While it would affect marathon runners, ultramarathoners run much slower, so this won’t be a critical issue for them.

Still, altitude will certainly have some effect. In particular, there is increased dryness of air. In any case, each participant will receive recommendations from us on how to prepare for their stay in Issyk Kul, including drinking regimen, nutrition, and nutritional supplements. During the race itself, you will be under the supervision of our medical staff.


According to the averaged data for the past 10 years, at the end of May, the air temperature in Issyk Kul during the day is 8‒10 degrees Celsius; however, it may vary greatly year on year. One thing can be said for sure: as of now, the heat doesn’t exceed 20°C here. You mustn’t forget the devious nature of the mountain sun though and be sure to use sunscreen. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the weather can suddenly turn out to be cold, windy, or rainy.

At each stage, approximately every 20 km, there will be aid stations with water, cola, fruits, and dried fruits, as well as medical care.

There are no mandatory equipment requirements, but you will definitely need a running vest with a couple of flasks or a hydration backpack – since the distance between the aid stations is about 20 km. It is also highly recommended to have headwear, sunscreen, and sunglasses at hand – plus extra clothing in case of cold, wind, or rain. Your footwear must work for running on both asphalt and gravel.

As a rule, we only accept credit cards, but the Entry Fee and several additional services, including our All-Inclusive Package, can also be paid by bank transfer.

See more information at Race Info.
And if you have any questions, just ask!


There are direct flights to Bishkek from Istanbul and Dubai, the world's largest hubs

Regular buses run from Bishkek to Issyk Kul

Just 35 km from the start, there is Issyk Kul International Airport (Tamchy), with flights from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia

I Am Ultra, LLC, 40 Manas Ave, Off 208, Bishkek, 720001, Kyrgyzstan, welcome@runningexpert.com 

I Am Ultra, LLC, 40 Manas Ave, Off 208 Bishkek, 720001, Kyrgyzstan, welcome@runningexpert.com, +996 700 738721